Launching Tuesday, February 16th

Exciting App Update

* Your pantry foods will be reset to maximize serving size options and assure nutrition information accuracy. Here's what's coming:

* SPACE REQUIREMENTS: make sure you have 1.1 gigabytes of storage space available

* New database. Fittur acquired the world’s largest verified food database for download to your phone with an exhaustive food search, restaurant menu search, unlimited UPC barcode scanning capbabliites, and verified food macros.
* More Serving Size Options. With the new database comes a much wider choice of serving size options to simplify tracking
* Offline service. No WIFI or cellular data needed. Search, scan, create, and manage your macros anywhere, anytime offline
* New Pantry Views. Tap any macro target when you’re in pantry and, just like in food tracker, organize foods by highest to lowest calorie, carb, protein, fat, or fiber dense foods
* Top 20 Pantry Foods Eliminated. Instead, all your pantry foods are now organized with most eaten foods at the top and least eaten at the bottom
* Optimized Pantry Swiping. All pantry foods can swipe left (delete) or swipe right (add to tracker)
* New Share Features. Share meals or entire recipes, including editable ingredients, with a single right swipe
* One Touch Serving Size Editing. You can now edit serving sizes with a single touch instead of two touches
* Faster Speeds. With offline service enabled you get super fast speeds and none of the bugs caused by poor connectivity
* Alcohol Calculation. Alcohol is now added to your calorie targets. See how we calculate alcochol consumpiton here 
 * Net Carb Target Countdown. The more fiber you eat, the slower your carb target counts down. See how we calculate carbs and fiber here
* Insoluble & Soluble Fiber. Whenever you search or scan a food, your app evaluates the insolube and solube fiber and adjusts your net carb and calorie targets accordingly. See how your net carb target is calculated here
* “Create A Food” Updated. Enter the calories (intead of carbs), protein, fat, and fiber and fittur automatically estimates the net carbs in your created food based on the insolubility and solubility of the fiber
* New Water Target History. Dial back the Date Dial to see your recent water intake
* Updated Fittur Stats. Your stats history is now reset to day one in order to accomodate the stats calculation bug fix
*New Date Dial Feature. Assign foods copied from previous days to any meal on today.
* Bug Fixes: Subscription “Not Found” or “Expired” notification, Recipe Calculator, and Edit Exercise bugs fixed for iphones experiencing those anomalies
* This update is for all premium apps including the Food & Macro Tracker app, Diabetes app, Baby app, and Muscle Building app.

 * PANTRY ADVISORY: Your pantry will be reset during the new database download. In order to maxamize serving size options and assure nutrition information accuracy, current pantry foods and recipes will be deleted. Use the world’s largest verified and most accurate food database to rebuild your pantry. 

SPACE REQUIREMENTS: make sure you have 1.1 gigabytes of storage space available for the update scheulded for Tuesday, February 16th, 2021.