I would have died from poor nutrition without Fittur.
I’m a body builder. I love the sport. I’ve been competing since high school. That’s nearly thirty years of lifting and dieting. It’s a challenge to develop muscle while keeping body fat gains low. It’s even more of a challenge to cut down to ultra-low body fat levels for competition. I pay close attention to what I eat.
I felt like I was a healthy athlete, so it was a mystery when I started getting sick. The flus and colds were the first sign. I got sick more frequently during the winter months, and then the flus hit all year long. When I got to the point I was sick all the time, I knew something was up.
I developed intestinal issues. Lots of stomach pain. Bloating. Gas. It got so bad, and without any diagnosis to point to a cure, my whole life turned upside down. When the low energy levels hit, the symptoms turned chronic. Doctors advised me I was at risk for a lot of life threatening diseases.