Didn't Get The Update?

Activate Download

Your iPhone may not be set up to automatically download updates from the App Store. If your pantry title still reads "Top Twenty" instead of the new "Pantry Foods" title or if you didn't land on the Fittur Update in Progress screen this morning (see screen shot below), then you likely haven't updated. You may want to wait until you're finished tracking in order to avoid losing your food for today. When you're ready to update, do this:

Stp #1: Storage Space. Make sure you  have 1.1 gigabytes of available storage space on your phone by going to settings, tap “general” then about halfway down tap iPhone Storage
Step #2: Internet Connection. Make sure you have a good WIFI or cellular connection to complete the download
Step #3: Close Your App. Exit out of Fittur by first minimizing it on your phone by sliding part way up so the app appears in miniature. Then slid up again to completely shut down in what is called “shutting down in the background”
Step #4: Go to the App Store. Find your app in th App Store and make sure you select your app among the premium Food & Macro Tracker, Diabetes, Pregnancy, and Muscle Building apps. Tap your app and then find the blue UPDATE button (see the blue update button on the diabetes food tracker screen shot below–it should appear about the same for all premium apps). 
Step #5: Activate Update. Tap the blue update button and then wait on the Fittur Update In Progress screen for the app to complete the update and then you’re good to go. Welcome to the latest version of Fittur.