Customize your premium nutrition experience by designing your own macro targets
The Fittur Algorithm is a fusion of complex scientific formulas. Fittur calculates your macro targets based on changes in your body composition and daily exercise
Disable the Fittur algorithm by tapping the custom button and replace the Fittur calculated macro targets, with your percent-based targets.
Select the percent of carbs
and fat you prefer eating
The Fittur algorithm continues to identify how many calories you eat each day, but your carb, protein and fat targets are now percent-based, not body composition-based.
You can also replace the Fittur calculated macro targets with popular diet-based targets.
Diets that get lean body composition results have one thing in common—calories. Eat fewer calories than you burn and your body cuts fat. Eat more calories than you burn and your body accumulates fat.
Tap the diets button to disable the Fittur algorithm and eat the percent of carbs, protein and fat promoted by any of the fifty most popular diet plans
The Fittur algorithms continue to identify how many calories you eat each day, but your carb, protein and fat targets are now diet-based, not body composition-based.
Use the Fittur algorithm to achieve a lean and healthy body composition, or design your own path.